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CLEP Exam (College Level Examination Program)

Steps for Taking the CLEP Exam at Grayson College

  • Students who believe they possess the knowledge and skills essential in certain courses or programs may challenge these through credit by examination. You are eligible to take a CLEP exam if you have never been enrolled in the course.
  • CLEP exams are open to anyone in the community; you do not have to be a GC student. If testing for credit at another college/university, be sure to determine the college’s requirements for accepting CLEP credit.
  • Study materials are available at
  • Test Fees:
    1. $95 CLEP fee paid when registering online
    2. $25 administration fee payable to GC on test day (check with driver’s license number or exact cash)
  • Register for your exam at
    1. Create an account. Keep a record of your username and password.
    2. Register to take your CLEP Exam.
    3. Select your test center and score recipient.
    4. Pay the $95 CLEP fee.
    5. Print your Registration Ticket.
  • Call the Grayson College Testing Center at 903-463-8724 for the Main Campus in Denison or 903-415-2509 for the South Campus in Van Alstyne to schedule your testing appointment.  Testing times are limited.
  • Testing time for most exams is 90 minutes.  Plan about two hours for check-in, instructions, test, and check-out.
  • Arrive promptly on test date. Bring the following items:
    1. CLEP Registration Ticket
    2. $25 administration fee payable to GC (check with driver’s license or exact cash)
    3. One valid government-issued photo ID that has both a photo and signature.  Dantes-funded military candidates, please verify requirements with testing center. The name on the ID must match the name on the Registration Ticket.
  • You receive one point for each correct answer.  Points are not deducted for wrong or skipped answers.  You should answer every question.
  • Normally, you will receive your unofficial score report instantly (with the exception of the College Composition, which takes three to four weeks to deliver).  CLEP sends the official score report to your chosen institution in about two weeks.
  • Follow the credit award policy at the college of your choice.   At GC, when the Official CLEP score report is received and if passing scores have been earned, staff in the GC Office of Admissions and Records will add the credit to your transcript.  About four weeks after testing, please check your MyViking to verify that the credit has been added to your transcript.

CLEP Exams are by appointment only.  

CLEP Exam Subjects and Course Equivalents, Revised November 2014
CLEP Exam Passing Scores GC Course Equivalent
American Government 53 GOVT 2305
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 54 ENGL 2327
Biology 54 BIOL 1306/1307 & lab
Calculus 59 MATH 2413
Chemistry 53 CHEM 1311/1312 & lab
College Algebra 54 MATH 1314
College Composition 54 ENGL 1301
College Composition 58 ENGL 1301 & 1302
College Mathematics 59 MATH 1332
College Spanish Language 55 SPAN 1411
College Spanish Language 63 SPAN 1412
Financial Accounting 55 ACNT 1303
History of the US I 53 HIST 1301
History of the US II 54 HIST 1302
Human Growth & Development 55 PSYC 2314
Humanities 52 HUMA 1301
Introductory Business Law 51 BUSG 2305
Introductory Psychology 53 PSYC 2301
Introductory Sociology 53 SOCI 1301
Pre-Calculus 53 MATH 2312
Principles of Macroeconomics 56 ECON 2301
Principles of Management 54 BMGT 1327
Principles of Marketing 50 MRKG 1311
Principles of Microeconomics 59 ECON 2302
Western Civilization I 54 HIST 2311
Western Civilization II 53 HIST 2312

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